Many cool experiences this week! Most importantly, I am growing
spiritually each and every day and coming unto Christ. And it's the
last week of the transfer!! That is seriously unreal. This has been
the fastest 6 weeks of my life!! I'm praying I will be staying with
Sister Hart. She is so easy to be happy with. I've had so many great
companions (blessing!!) and I'm really not ready for change right now.
Some of my favorites this week were having lunch with a less active
Jennifer Hemkin who takes us out every week. We are some of her only
friends here and we love her so she spoils us! She plays the piano for
different ballets in New York so we ate outside the Met opera house.
She came with us right after to visit Robert, the doorman:)
A member who we love is going to Africa in a few so she took us out to
sea!! With permission from the ap's we left our mission ;) it was this
little boat that had seafood and a good view of the city. So fun. The
best news of all, Lucinda Stitt will be baptized this Saturday so at
church on Sunday everyone was so good to her. I think the ward is so
happy to have such a gem join the ward. a little different than
someone who lives in the projects. they're great too, but sadly seem
to quickly go coast. I'm serious, everyone was amazing to her. She has
put a lot of thought into this. She has been going to another ward
since she is usually with her sister on the weekends. Lucinda will be
such an asset! We're so excited! She is darling!! I will try to take
pictures of her. (Also we're teaching the Restoration at her baptism
AND I'm giving a talk in church on Sunday so I'm a little stressed. i
need a few prayers)
On Sunday night we looked up a less-active named Maria who has been
tried many times but her husband never allows people up there. She
lives at visions so she is blind. We were let up and we were able to
talk with her and her friend Martha.
The day after we had a service through New York cares at Visions.
Right when we walked in we saw Maria and Martha! Ha. (that happened to
be planned out well)
I got to know Maria a little better as I described each color bead to
her. how incredible is it that people live like that. They rely so
much on the people around them for the simple things we get to enjoy.
So humbling! Maria's beads slipped off her necklace twice and by the
second time I was thinking.. really? haha I offered to put them back
on just the way she had it and she told me, don't worry be happy. Lol
talk about patience and positive thinking. I'm grateful to be able to
see and I'm grateful I can serve. we also played with clay this week
(helping older tenants for service which seems a bit of a waist of
time maybe) but after a volunteer there asked us questions about who
we were and she wanted a Book of Mormon and was so excited to have
one! Service miracle! it's the little things. Also, Kelsi and Tyson
had us over for dinner. I love being with her:) I've told like two
people in fashion about their new business with building a perfect
closet and making use of all your clothes by simplifying! this is such
a great idea and I might just snag some more of those cards of hers.
Haha I could talk to people about simplifying their lives with the
gospel!! It's all about going back to the basics. Praying, reading,
pondering, the sacrament. These are the very things that bring inner
stillness and a real sense of joy and power enter into our lives.
As we find a stillness in ourself, our homes will be a place where the
spirit can dwell.
As our families have a piece of stillness. Temptations will be easier
to resist because we will have confidence in who we are! Inner
stillness is the topic I choose for my
talk Sunday. I love knowing who I am as a child of God. It Sparks Joy
when we go back to the simple things in life.
P.s. Congratulations to my best friend, soul sista, first person who I
saw nyc with 2X. Haylie & Chan. miss you Hay. I'm so happy for you!
Sister Vassau

1. Sister Hemkin and her friends at the Met.
2. Sister Woods & us leaving our missions ;)
3. Beautiful NY Skyline
4. Soup dumplings at Joe's Ginger on a split!
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