I am so grateful for the week that I had! It was filled with miracles. I will start with a couple people we met that God's hand showed us he loves & knows who is ready. He leads people for whatever reason to request for a Bible or the Book of Mormon and then they get sent us, (Sister Staley and I)!! We contacted 14 of our media referrals this week. That is a lot. Harlem loves Bibles!!! What more can I say? In other words, People in Harlem are looking for change, to become better people. Most all the missions referrals are coming from the places of New York where there's not a whole lot of goodness. So we've found out that people don't really know why they request for a Bible. Some just see the add and see it's a free book!! Whatever reason, they felt compelled. Some we have to remind that we are there because they sent us, which is always a funny conversation!
Two that were amazing who God sent us to were Nanabeyion and Hilda and Hailey!!!!
We had talked on the phone a lot with Nanabenyion about a good time to bring the book since he is at the top of our area. He is also a teacher and cab driver, so very busy. One day, we finally decided to just bring it to him. We planned each person out and had faith that they would be there. He was home when we came and let us in. He is from Ghana, Africa and has a wife and two children. His cousins become members of our church so he decided he wanted to figure out more about The Book of Mormon. His family founded a church in Africa. He is a spiritual and really kind man. We taught him more about the restoration and answered many of his questions. He asked us about where we marry so we talked about the temple! Then showed him pictures :):) it was so awesome!!
We also got a hold of Heidi who was actually the daughter of Hilda who wanted the Book of Mormon and Bible. When we went, Hilda's mom wanted them in Spanish but we asked her daughter if she would be interested in learning more. She sad yes and that she wants us to come when her little girl Hailey is there!! So we go back and teach them the Restoration and it was so incredible the words that were placed in our mouths for them. We set a baptismal date for April 2nd for them! They were surprised that we were confident they could figure it out by then. Afterwards, they said they are actually excited about this. This feels good. We are super pumped about them because they are very special people.
I love when we find the elect!!
We had zone conference yesterday. I know President Smith and Sister Smith are here in New York to change all the lives that are here. They have already had a great impact on mine. I want to be closer to Christ just because of their simple testimonies of the restored gospel. We were asked to prepare talks about accountability through prayer and I learned so much.

The whole principle of accounting to the Lord in everything is new to me. Each opportunity he gives me Is a sacred blessing and he wants to know about it. I just have a hard time going through all my day because I can barely remember one hour ago.. I do have a firm testimony that God answers prayers. Prayers are the passport to peace!! He is so close. He knows us from the inside out and wants to council with us. I know that one day we will return to our Father in Heaven! In my prayers each night I am trying to picture him there with me. If Christ were here and wanted us to give him an accounting he would want to know our hearts! If our hearts are good and pure! Just like Joseph prayed and asked a question, our questions are just as important to Heavenly Father!! Keep asking him!!!
Have you come to know your Jesus?
2 Nephi 33:6
"...I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell
I love you all.
I love you all.
Love, sister Vassau
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