I usually try to write my emails in the order of how the week went, so here it is!
I'm finally into my last week of 12 Week Training & I can't believe it! It went by way fast. I have learned a lot, now pray for Sister Vassau and Sister Gardner with whatever happens next. I'm sure it will be whatever I need to learn and do.
Our thought this week was religion in New York is like pizza places in New York. They are everywhere, every corner!! I don't know which place is the real deal. Everyone has their own religion for the most part and you'd be surprised how many people don't agree to hear a message. It's sad that it is usually the humble people and places that are more receptive. So we just go where we feel prompted, but this week we did a lot of look-ups just trying to clean out the area book because we have so many potentials. Trying to find the people that were once taught before and it seemed like it was hard to find anyone, but we still taught people and were able to serve!
The Lanier's went to the temple guys!! How awesome is that? They made it and we got to be there with them this night. It was so special. I will always remember that peace that I felt and also that I know they felt. They loved the temple. This day was actually pretty crazy getting there. We started off the day doing what we could so they could take a family name to the temple. We have been working on family history a lot with them and we finally figured it out and got them each a name. We drove down there with them so we could make it to the temple in time to meet Brother Barlow. We have been thinking about every other thing, so we didn't think or know to make reservations to do baptisms. We are just Utah girls. We found this out on the way there and were stressin!! The next time we could go was 6 that night in order for there to be enough ordinance workers. This was the only time they could do it together as a family before Miguel leaves so we made it happen!! We went to dinner before and it all worked out. Nothing was more important than getting them there as a family! That's what I felt when we were in the temple. That is where they needed to be. I definitely grew more of an appreciation for family history and temple ordinances, because I did one of Jeff's family members and he was SO thankful. It was so sweet. Hahahaha Jeff almost drowned again. He'll get it down. I want you all to meet them. They are so awesome. They are going to be in Utah this week!!!!! AH We made them a "Lanier Utah Bucket List" and at the top was Cafe Rio, then the temple, and some other okay things.. They are going to love it! We are teaching their cousin Cotton still and he has been coming to church each week! Cotton is a gooood man. His big smile rocks as well. We had a lesson with him that was so spiritual one night and good things happened.

We taught primary for 2 hours Sunday. Who knew it could be such a struggle teaching primary on fast Sunday with gold fish. I wanted gold fish so badly.
A consecrated missionary is a repenting missionary. If someone is falling off that iron rod, pull them back on it. If someone is sleeping through the fire drill (or alarm clock), get them up!! Pick people up when they fall because we all fall at times!
This week I am grateful for the Atonement, for the power it has as we apply it personally to our lives. I have felt this overwhelming feeling of God's love for me these past few days and I just want to share with you how I know that through our Savior we can change and be strengthened where we are weak. I know He loves us. I want everyone to feel it so I encourage you if you don't feel that love to pray to feel it. I know he is near and that we can overcome anything with his help. I love you each so much.
One last thing!! I found this and wanted to share it.
“Hard as things seem today, they will be better in the next day if [we] choose to serve [God] this day.”
Always serve God first today and things will be better tomorrow!!
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