What a beautiful city. Spring could not be a better time to be in Union Square. I'm really enjoying the good people and flowers shops. Heart eyes for all the spring colors and cute bakery shops. The Lord's work is so happy. I have understood more of what works here and what doesn't, it really is a seed planting area. We have great conversations each day. Those usually don't always count as a key indicator, but the amount of light and service we can give here is endless.
I've had to adjust my thinking a little and think of what the Lord would need us to be doing in a place that's so busy! I will share some sweet little miracles with you and some day to day things so you have an idea of what the work looks like here.
Since people are passing by so often we set up a table in front of the chapel with cute boards that we can stand by and say hi or something kind to people passing by. Obviously they know we want to share something so either people will stop once in a while or we'll just leave them with a good image of who we are.. Nothing too annoying so people don't have negative thoughts. Earth day was Thursday and one man did stop. He was an artist named Art. lol He stopped and first told us he loved our energy. It was clear he was drawn to our light. He told us he never sees people like us who have so much sunshine that light up the city. We shared a 5 minute principle about our plan here on earth and he said he will be at church. He called us Sunday night and told us why he couldn't come, which is great!
We went to a dog park and let George play. We talked with a woman from Maldesia the whole time and we were able to talk about a few principles with her of the gospel! The area is just beautiful. We can walk by the water and see the Statue of Liberty. Pretty cool. We share short messages with members in the ward that let us come stop by. The Sisters have made really great relationships with the members. I was able to meet the ward mission leader. He has such a cute wife and little boy Paulo (love the name). They are from São Paulo, Brazil. Very kind man and seems to have loved his mission in Brazil, which is easily the opposite of this area. His wife wants us to help her with her English each week. She is so darling.
Listen to this!! Do you remember sweet Robert? Who offered his seat to me on the subway in Harlem. we created a good relationship by phone for a few weeks . Sweet little Puerto Rican. Well, we were walking past a building after grabbing some lunch and Robert sees me and gives me this big smile and hug. Ah! Haha he was so happy to see me. I can't believe we walked past the place that he is a doorman for, because I knew in the back of my mind it was somewhere in this big city and I wanted to find him. Heavenly Father knew! He really wants to come to church and wants us to pass by and say hi:)
Saturday was Union Square park. We talked to people about family history. We have a big world map. we went to the temple later that day to help in the family history center. I love doing that. The temple is such a special place. It really is a refuge and ties our families together. It had me thinking of grandma and Josilyn and Parker!!!!!! BIG SHOUT OUT TO THE LOVE BIRDS. you guys are getting married in the temple:):) that's so happy! I have a lot of feelings about it but I can't find the right words of explaining how I feel because I don't do that well, also I don't know how I even feel anymore about not being apart of it.. Heavenly Father is watching over me here. What could make a sister happier than her best friend finding and being with his best friend for eternity? That's preeeetty great. Only the restored Gospel can provide us with such rich blessing and hey..no one said it better than President Thomas S. Monson.
"There is no more important goal for you to work toward than being worthy to go to the temple! Our goal is to obtain celestial glory, and the choices we make will, in large part, determine whether or not we reach our goal."
I was more grateful for the small things this week. If we don't teach very many people throughout the week I can find fulfillment in my daily studies and being happy with what I've been blessed with. This Gospel is true. We do have a loving Heavenly Father. He's so real.
P.S. Save me some flowers!!!! 

Sister Vassau